Harris Holdings is a Commercial Real Estate Private Equity Firm. Harris Holdings connects the discerning Investor to investments in single properties and funds. Members will realize strong, risk-adjusted return on capital without active involvement in management or operations. The Harris Holdings approach identifies undervalued assets in strong economic markets, conservatively underwrites assumptions and executes a business plan to win. Partnered with some of the best Real Estate Operators in the business, Harris Holdings and its membership will continue to capitalize on proven Leadership and Experience. Our belief is that Real Estate is a superior investment. Harris Holdings exists to remove barriers, fees and misunderstanding while bringing our members access to high quality investment opportunities.
Join the Harris Holdings Investment Community to gain access to these exclusive opportunities.
Target returns of 8 to 10 percent cash on cash return excluding proceeds from dispensation
Typical 5 year hold period (monthly or quarterly disbursements) exiting via refinance and/or sale
Focus on U.S. markets with strong population and employment growth offering our investors opportunities that will generate consistent cash flow. These markets to date have been in the regional southeast and Texas.
Minimum Investment of $50,000
75% occupancy or greater upon purchase
Inherent Value - Add opportunity
non-speculative, positive cash flow is distributed to investors throughout the life of investment
unlike single family homes, commercial real estate is business valued by net operating income, harris holdings forces this to investor benefit
rental revenue pays down debt while increasing equity
investors realize taxable benefits

Northern Cross Apartments
398 Units Ashcroft Capital (Sponsor)
This Core+ asset was built in 2001 in northern Dallas-Fort Worth suburb where rent growth is projected to reach nearly 6%. The Sponsor owns 17 apartment communities (4,744 units) within a 40 mile radius realizing economies of scale.

Manufactured Home Park Fund III
CoveMark (Sponsor) & Treehouse (Operator)
Exclusive opportunity to invest alongside a veteran operator in the high-demand manufactured housing community industry. The investment strategy includes plans to expand an initial Phoenix metro portfolio and scale operations.
A $50MM blind pool fund currently subscribing.

Key West Self Storage
505 Units I Key West, Florida
Reliant (Operator) Class A self storage facility located in desirable Key West, FL. High barrier to entry, under supplied market with strong demand and plans to expand facility by 50%.

Anthony W. Harris
Harris Holdings is led by Anthony W. Harris. The son of a Real Estate Entrepreneur, his passion for Real Estate was planted early in his development. After successfully venturing into single family residential investing, Mr. Harris formed Harris Holdings as a vehicle for Commercial Real Estate investing in 2017.
The power of partnerships is a central tenet and has accelerated the growth of Harris Holdings. His goal is to form strong, long-term relationships, help others through service and deliver an excellent experience.
Mr. Harris earned a Bachelors degree in Business Administration and Communication from the University of Cincinnati in 2005. He serves as a Sales and Management professional in the pharmaceutical industry and Business Development Leader entrepreneurially.
Mr. Harris resides in New Jersey with his wife and four children.

David Thompson is a strategic Partner to Harris Holdings. David has quickly become an expert in capital raising. He has raised capital instrumental in the acquisition of over 2000 multi-family units. He earned his MBA in finance from Thunderbird School of Global Management, and graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. degree from Arizona State University.